Medical Symposium 2020
The Woman and Nature Foundation invites you to the international medical symposium on: "The role of the immune system in the prevention and treatment of chronic and oncological diseases." The symposium will be held as part of the 13th Health Festival. The lecture hall is an independent room, by choosing lectures in a given hourly block you can also choose classes taking place during the festival. The symposium will be held on February 1, 2020 at the Ibis Styles Hotel at the Silver Conference Center.

XIII Festiwal Zdrowia i Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Medyczne
1 lutego 2020 roku zapraszamy na XIII Festiwal Zdrowia oraz Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Medyczne mające na celu promocje zdrowego stylu życia w harmonii z ciałem, umysłem i duszą. Temat Sympozjum to "Rola układu immunologicznego w zapobieganiu i leczeniu chorób przewlekłych i onkologicznych".Zdrowie w życiu
Profilaktyka i pielęgnacja zdrowia
- October 18, 2017
Human life can be perceived as happening on three levels: body, mind, and spirit. The diagnosis and treatment should also refer to all of them. In an interview with Preeti Agrawal, a gynaecologist-obstretician of Indian origin who has been working in Poland for over 20 years, Krzysztof Boczek talks about czytaj więcej
Choroby cywilizacyjne
- October 24, 2017
“A pill for every ailment” has become the fundamental basis for treatment in present day clinical medical practice. Unfortunately pill almost never deal with the reasons why these symptoms exist, while they frequently create new health problems as side effects of their activities. This is not to say that czytaj więcej
Świadome rodzicielstwo
- October 18, 2017
In all our conversations you emphasised several times that not only the person’s physical sphere is crucial in the therapy but their emotional condition as well. That reminds me of Hippocrates, the father of the medicine, who stated back in the 5th century B.C. that the essence of the treatment is czytaj więcej
Zdrowie kobiety
- October 16, 2017
Heavy bleeding is sometimes called “the weeping of the uterus”. The first symptoms of late perimenopause are often cases of sudden very heavy menstrual bleeding (not hot flashes). The “flooding” can be so strong that blood soaks through pads or tampons. Quite often when a woman seeks doctor’s advice because czytaj więcej
Zdrowie dziecka i nastolatków
- October 16, 2017
60% of women suffer from period pains. In many cases menstrual pain is interferes with our ability to perform basic tasks for a day or two each month. The most common cause of painful menstrual periods is an incorrect diet with excessive intake of sugar, food preparations of white flour, czytaj więcej
- December 13, 2019
The Woman and Nature Foundation invites you to the international medical symposium on: “The role of the immune system in the prevention and treatment of chronic and oncological diseases.” The symposium will be held on February 1, 2020 at the Ibis Styles Hotel at the Silver Conference Center.
Nasze projekty
- October 20, 2017
This article will show soon.
Festiwale zdrowia
- October 20, 2017
International Yoga Day 21st June we celebrated International Yoga Day. We organized in our Clinic a lot of attractions for interested – yoga, pranayama, somayoga. We care about spirit, body and emotions with meditations and cooking workshop.
Konferencje medyczne
- December 13, 2019
The Woman and Nature Foundation invites you to the international medical symposium on: „The role of the immune system in the prevention and treatment of chronic and oncological diseases.”The symposium will be held as part of the 13th Health Festival.
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Sklep Od Natury
Sklep Od Natury zajmuje się sprzedażą naturalnych suplementów diety, witamin i ziół. Wszystkie preparaty są starannie wybrane i spełniaj
Integrative Medical Center
Integrative Medical Center opiera się na filozofii utrzymywania dobrego stanu zdrowia, a nie jedynie powierzchownego zwalczania chorób. Ujmujemy pacjenta całościowo i podmiotowo, oferując kompleksowe i indywidualne rozwiązania.